Below are some links regarding Southern Region intents to tryout out for the 2024-2025 season for U14-U19 teams.
More info will follow in the spring/summer for U12.
The first link is all the information you need to know (some is at the association level and some for families), it has rules and timelines that need to be followed and adhered to.
The second link is required if you think your child may want to step on the ice for a tryout. If you do not fill in this form YOU CAN NOT ATTEND ANY TRYOUT, Home Association or anywhere else. The purpose for this is a way for all associations and the region to know who wants to play and at what level and allow associations to know if they can/want to host a team for the 2024-2025 Season.
If you say your player would like to try out for AA and does not attend, that is ok they will automatically be moved to A. So please only complete one intent form for Southern at the highest level they may be trying out for (if you only put in for A they CAN NOT STEP ON ANY AA ICE). If you are sure your player only wants A, then only put an intent in for A.
This does not mean your player is automatically registered for any tryouts, this is just their intent and once all data is collected then associations will be applying to the region to host a team. Once approval has been given to associations then you will have to register your player for each tryout they wish to attend (and pay that association).
The deadline to submit the intent is Wed. March 20, 2024.
The third link is to give you an understanding of the closest associations so that we all follow the closest association rules.
If your child is not interested in playing or trying out for an A or AA team please do not worry about this.
If at anytime you, your player or anyone has questions about this process or needs help please do not hesitate to email
Come Try Ringette
Iceland Arena, Rink 4
Free Event!