

Registration for the 2024-2025 season is now open!

Please use the following link to register 
and select “2024-2025 Ringette Ontario (Ringette Canada)” season

Payment can be made by etransfer at


REMINDER:  Respect in Sport Parent Module:  

For all Athletes under 18 years of age, Ringette Ontario now requires at least one parent to take the "Respect in Sport Parent Module" (RIS).  The module is online at Respect in Sport for Parents - Getting Started (  It takes about an hour to complete and has a minimal cost. It is recommended that the module be completed prior to registration.  Please enter your RIS certification number into RAMP when you register.

If you have already completed the RIS parent module for another sport, that result is portable, so just enter the certification number. 

NOTE:  The RIS parent module is different than the "Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders" course, so even if one parent is a coach and has already completed the course for activity leaders, one of the parents will still need to complete the RIS parent module.  We attached the Ringette Ontario FAQ sheet for your information. You can register without completion but will be required to email your certificate number to your Club register or to once completed so that it can be added to RAMP profile. 



Registration fee

FUN 1 & FUN 2

 See MRA FUN1 and FUN 2 registration for details.



Fun 3 (formerly U10) PLUS house league

·         1 hour of shared ice practice per week, to be held Tuesdays from 7:30 to 8:30pm at Erin Mills arena, rink 1

·         10 home and 10 away games

·         plus 2 hours of house league (expected to be 1 hour of skills and drills and 1 hour of games per week). 



U12(A or B) PLUS house league

·         1 hour of shared ice practice per week (this is development ice, paid by the MRA), to be held Tuesdays from 7:30-8:30pm at Erin Mills arena, rink 1

·         1 hour full ice practice per week, to be held Thursdays from 7:15-8:15 pm at Erin Mills arena, rink 2

·         10 home and 10 away games

·         plus 2 hours of house league (expected to be 1 hour of skills and drills and 1 hour of games per week). 





House league only

  • house league only option is for those new to ringette
  • 1 hour practice and 1 hour games
  • $625 Early bird if register and pay in full by August 31
  • $650 regular

Practices will be Mondays from 6:15 to 7:15pm at Burnhamthorpe Community Centre (Chic Murray arena)

Games will be Fridays from 7:15 to  8:15 pm at Iceland arena, rink 3 





*Includes the Ringette Ontario membership fee of $80.00



Notes: At the FUN3, U12A, and regional B levels, dedicated goalies play for free! They are still required to pay the $80 Ringette Ontario membership fee and participate in any fees that the team charges.




Upcoming Events

Feb. 15, 2025 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM

Come Try Ringette
Iceland Arena, Rink 4
Free Event!

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