Constitution and Policies

Mississauga Ringette Association


Updated August 2020


The Mississauga Ringette Association (MRA) is a member of Ringette Ontario and as such, we are bound by all of their policies.  The Mississauga Ringette Association adheres to the policies of Ringette Ontario, where available. Please see Ringette Ontario Policies for a full list of policies.


MRA Constitution

MRA Constitution and Bylaws


City of Mississauga

Community Group Registry Program


Accident/Illness, including Concussion Policies

Please note, it is mandatory that the player provide a medical note to return to play after a concussion or suspected concussion.  In all other circumstances, it is at the coach’s discretion to ask for a note from a medical doctor before a player to return to play.  It is strongly recommended that that a note be provided for all injuries resulting in lost games/practices.

Ringette Ontario Concussion Policy

RO Concussion Management Guidelines

Return to Play Policy

Bench Staff Concussion Code of Conduct

Athlete Concussion Code of Conduct


Screening Policies

Screening Policy

Screening Disclosure Form

Annual Offense Declaration Form


Codes of Conduct

Bench Staff Concussion Code of Conduct

Athlete Concussion Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct and Ethics

Athlete Code of Conduct

Coaches Code of Conduct

Officials Code of Conduct

Parents Code of Conduct

Spectator Code of Conduct


Safe Sport Policies

Annual Offense Declaration Form

Athlete Protection Guidelines   

Conflict of Interest Declaration Form

Harassment Policy 

Investigation Policy 

Person in Authority Guidelines

Rule of Two Guidelines

Safe Sport Policy

Screening Policy

Social Media Policy

Social Media Guidelines

Trans Inclusion Policy

Screening Disclosure Form

Whistleblower Policy



Administrative Policies

Accessibility Policy

Alternate Dispute Resolution Policy

Anti-Doping Policy

Appeal Policy

Appeal Request Form

Confidentiality Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy

Discipline and Complaints Policy   

Fair Ice Policy

Impairments and Accommodations Policy

Privacy Policy


MRA Sponsorship and Fundraising Policy

MRA Referee-In-Chief Duties

Upcoming Events

Sep. 22, 2024 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Come Try Ringette
Iceland Arena, Rink 4

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