MRA Mission and Vision

MRA Vision

Ignite the passion for Ringette in Mississauga so it burns brightly into the next generation.

MRA Mission

As a not- for- profit sports organization, we are driven to inspire and develop our players in the sport. We will do this by building their personal confidence through teamwork and positive competition. We strive to build a strong Ringette community by promoting fun and friendships on and off the ice.

MRA Core Values

Open; Accessible; Team Oriented; Fun; Friendly; Competitive; Cooperative; Confident; Fair.


The Mississauga Ringette Association (MRA) is a not-for-profit sports organization run solely by volunteers who are dedicated to providing an opportunity for players to participate and compete in the ice sport of ringette at whatever level their talents will allow. MRA plans to foster, encourage and improve all organized amateur Ringette within the area of it's jurisdiction.


The MRA focuses on providing a positive and fun environment that encourages fitness and friendships, develops sportsmanship, builds teamwork and life skills and a sense of fair play while playing the game of Ringette.
The MRA, will provide many levels of activities for those who choose to participate in Ringette. Typical activities include but are not limited to:

  • FUN 2 (Under 8) skating skills development incorporated into MRA's Learn-to-Skate with Mississauga Ringette's Program.
  • Under 7, under 8, and under 10 Ringette skills development 
  • Advanced House League program for U10/U12 
  • Competitive program at the Regional level (MRA is a member of the Southern Region Ringette Association) for FUN2/ FUN3/ U12 / U14 / U16 / U19 / +18.
  • Competitive program at the Provincial level (MRA is a governed by the Ontario Ringette Association) U12 / U14 / U16 / U19 / +18.

We hope to see you at the rink!

Upcoming Events

Sep. 22, 2024 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Come Try Ringette
Iceland Arena, Rink 4

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